Ninoslav N.

"Blue Star Celestial Energy, a natural healing method of Truth and Light is a transmission of spiritual ability to bridge the gap between God and man" says the Manual. ..although the information in the manual of this attunement may seem complicated and its abundance may put the user's mind to the test of understanding, I assure you that a dedicated and careful following of its pages leads to the right path and acceptance of this powerful energy. This attunement consists of two levels, and with patience and hard work one can reach final assimilation and healing. The First level manual offers, among other things, a detailed explanation of the Symbols used by the Practitioner, while the Second level manual gives new, Mastery symbols, exercises, techniques and meditations.. Serious work for a serious and experienced Reiki worker, but I definitely recommend this attunement.

2 months ago

RGMT E.Fedosova has done a great job by channeling this serious attunement. Togather with the attunement Entrance into Egregor Reiki this one - Stop Egregor Reiki demands, imho, serious preparation and searching/reading the articles of what the Egregor is before any serious work with it. Nevertheless, the Manual provides enough, though basic, info of the subject - the rest is upon the practitioner. I recommend this attunement; each person should strive forward being familiar with the different situations on the Path of the personal Awakening 🧘‍♂️

6 months ago

I like this attunement - clean and "easy" it does the job perfectly. Epsilon energies provide very useful option (quoted from the manual): "Call upon Epsilon energies to easily modulate your body’s light emissions." supplying a practitioner (you) with "Enhanced ability to shine your Light or remain concealed in each moment." Just think of what is it all about!.. The manual introduces us to the Aurigae constellation providing one symbol. need to say anything more.. I am certain that this empowerment may be of a great importance after being called in..kudos to the author 👏🤝🙏

9 months ago

Many texts has been written and posted on internet about Akasha, there are pretty much attunements and empowerments there, as well. This one I've found deserves, imho, the place among the best - clear manual provides trusted info, there's a symbol, plenty of suggestions, so I'd fully recommend this Empowerment 👍💯👌

12 months ago

Generally, I like all these animal empowerments; each of them increases my deep love towards the Nature and our Mother Earth 🫶 .."Wolf..Teacher, Pathfinder, Moon-dog..".."..represents one of the last true spirit of the free and unspoiled wilderness..". Nice prepared Manual with great suggestion (Meditation) for calling in this Empowerment make it 5 stars in .y review. Recommend👍

about 1 year ago

This is one of the most promising Attunement to work with the 3rd Eye, I can tell you that. Prerequisite - Reiki Master. Includes 3 attunements, appropriate Manual and all the necessary Tips, like for Daily Exercise and Meditation 🧘‍♂️ ..oh, there is a cute Symbol, as well..great job, Master 🙏 ..✨️Recommended ✨️

over 1 year ago

I'll say it freely - this package of 3 levels, the attunement "Wound Healer Reiki", represents Reiki in its best, indeed. Three levels and 3 useful Manuals provide you with enough options to deal with any situation where Reiki is called to help. I totally recommend this great attunement 👍

over 1 year ago

I like this "simple" attunement because it is obvious, clear and clean. The manual says :.."This manual has been purposefully left simple, because it’s really about the energy."..and that's a hard solid IS all about the ENERGY..!..I recommend this attunement as a basic step to be used with many others, similar, while working with DNA energies🪢..

over 1 year ago

12, 24 and 36 Strand DNA Activation are 3 parts of the DNA Activation Series..those are not Reiki or a healing system, but for a personal empowerment and the energies are meant for personal use only. From the Manual - "With 24 Strand DNA Activation you will progress toward a higher consciousness and activation of additional dormant DNA strands and multi-dimensionality integration will occur."..frankly- I vote for all 3 of these attunements (12, 24, 36)..imho, it is worth to give them a try 👍

over 1 year ago

..has this age already begun?..are we in some kind of transition?..what are the characteristics of this age?.. to make you interested, here is from the Manual - "..old ways fight their last fight..this period of testing and growth will last until may be that things could get a little worse before they get better.." Finally - "Use it (the energy of this attunement) whenever you are feeling overwhelmed by the world or needing additional grounding or centering.." Good advice, useful attunement 👍

over 1 year ago