Alex Kazlou

9 reviews
Actor playing Motl

Мотл - молодой человек, который влюблен в старшую дочь Тевье - Цейтл. Мотл беден, но его любовь преодолевает все препятствия. Я полюбил этого персонажа за его смелость и решимость. Надеюсь, вы тоже его полюбите, как и остальных персонажей в этой неувядаемой и вечно актуальной пьесе.

updated over 1 year ago

4 reviews
Customer Experience Engineer

I work on making sure members of Virthium network get the best user-experience offering and receiving Feedback Rebates. I personally monitor and respond to feedback and suggestions. Hope you enjoy your Feedback Rebate Experience!

updated over 7 years ago

Founder and CEO

I created Virthium as a place where we can share our experiences as customers with people who create these experiences for us - the employees, and vice versa. I believe customer feedback is more inspiring to employees than any management technique and more persuading to customers than any marketing message. Virthium is designed to link feedback of customers to contributions of employees. My dream is to connect people through products and give them an ability to see how their own work affects people's lives.

updated over 1 year ago

Bacon ipsum dolor amet venison shoulder chuck biltong burgdoggen beef ribs jowl turkey sirloin pork loin pork boudin andouille. Alcatra sausage jerky prosciutto landjaeger, spare ribs fatback turkey chislic doner pork loin chicken picanha leberkas pork.

over 3 years ago

I bought this product from my own store to test how fast it is delivered and in what condition. The delivery took 4 days and the product looks good too. The only comment is that the color looks redder than what is shown in the picture. I will upload the second photo to show what it looks like out-of-the-box. Overall, very pleased with the supplier. Will add more of their products to this store in the future.

about 6 years ago

Great product. Wearing it to the gym all the time.

about 6 years ago

Bought it from my own store as a present. Got it in the mail 4 days later. Looks great! This is the second item I bought from this supplier and I'm very pleased so far with the delivery and the quality of their products. I will add more "Black Panther" items soon.

almost 7 years ago

Thank you Masha for your help with my taxes this year. Don’t know what I would do without you. This was the first time I was filing taxes for my business and you made it so painless and simple. That took a huge weight off my shoulders. Thank you!

almost 8 years ago

This is my fourth year attending this event. It's been a great experience every time, but this year was exceptional. The food, the shows, and the performances were truly amazing! Coming back the next year for sure. Thanks!

about 8 years ago