The Emotional Release Matrix Activation

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By Jay M Burrell

The Emotional Release Matrix Activation has been channeled to create a shield of pure Universal Energy that encompasses your whole body from the soles of your feet to the top of your head and beyond, creating a deep Spiritual Connection with the energies of Peace, Tranquillity, Wholeness, Love and Serenity. As you work with these energies you will begin to open your Energy Fields to allow the true blessings of Love to enter into your life which in turn will help you to gently remove all forms of Negative Thought Programming and Mental Emotions which are no longer serving yourHighest and Greatest Good.

All symptoms, whether they be Physical or Mental have an Emotional Core. Your Experiences, Thoughts and Beliefs also play a major role in how you think and feel at this very moment in time. Past experiences such as Abuse, Accidents, Anger, Fear, Loss to name just a few will have an impact on how you feel within your current reality. Everything that you experience during your daily life is stored within your EmotionalConsciousness which is a separate aspect to your Logical Mind.


Any form of Emotional which is not dealt with and is stored within the Emotional Body will over time manifest itself in many ways, such as Chronic Insomnia, Nightmares, Restlessness, Lack of Energy, Low Self-Esteem, Substance Addiction, Eating Disorders, Depression, Anxiety and even severe illness’s such as Cancer due to the Negative Energies affecting their Immune System which is key to fighting all forms of infection and disease. The Addiction to certain substances can also lead to the same conclusion of Disease and Illness. While Negative Emotions such as Sadness, Fear, Anger and Guilt can provide necessary feedback about your life’s experiences, holding onto them can also have a Negative impact on your Mental and Emotional Health later on in life.

The Emotional Release Matrix Activation has been created for events that appear within...

Owner: Caroline Todd
Company: Reiki Attunement Courses
Address: PO Box 46 Halifax GB HX2 0LP

Great energy feel fantastic thanks

almost 3 years ago