Ego Battery Spare 1100mh

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Diamond Mist - Ego 1100mAh spare battery

Batteries, batteries, batteries! Batteries are a must when vaping. Whether they're built in or not they power everything. So why not get your hands on a spare one to make sure you are never without your vape.

Now available with free UK shipping from Vape and Juice UK.


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Ego Battery Spare 1100mh

Owner: Glen Waters
Company: Vape & Juice
Address: 35 Eastgate Shopping Centre Basildon GB SS14 1AE

Was happy to get another spare one, didn't mind what colour.

over 3 years ago

Was happy to get some more as I buckled my previous ones,kept putting them in my pocket!gotta stop doing that!

over 3 years ago

Got this one too at same time as a spare.

about 4 years ago

Needed a new one,I like these cheap and easy to use.

about 4 years ago

Excelent service and good value

about 4 years ago

Excellent service .... and very helpful

over 4 years ago

Got this as another spare as couldn't find my previous one, so am pleased to have another.

over 4 years ago

Got another colour too,so I know I have one in use&one spare charged to alternate between.

over 4 years ago

Was in need of some more of these,so it good to purchase some more.

over 4 years ago

I got this as a spare to my previous one,so I can use one,then use other one between charges,so I don't have to have to wait till wanting to vape, very happy with it.

almost 5 years ago